"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ― Maya Angelou
Father, Brother, Son, Husband, Friend since YYYY
One thing you love, one thing I love, I love my family.
I absolutely love those relationships.
Biggest Challenge
My one biggest challenge. I would say my one biggest challenge has been historically learning to deal with me. The guy in the mirror. Absolutely. A chore some days beyond measure and so many instructions that I don't have an annual for, but I'm learning and that would be my biggest challenge is learning to accept the me that I am and move ahead with that in a positive way. Making that inner voice, that inner dialogue, sound good. Not sound like something you would raise an eyebrow to if you were in a store and heard a parent talking to a child the way some of us talk to our inner selves.
Biggest Success
Ah, my one biggest success. I don't know. I would say that biggest challenge and that biggest success are not too far apart at all. I would say that that biggest success would be being with learning to be a better person and surviving those challenges that many of the time we put before ourselves in between us and success. We put in those challenges and maybe we don't see that right away, but yeah, those are things we can absolutely, with the help of family and friends, we can absolutely learn ourselves to do better.
Who Would You Help?
All right, who would you help? So, who would I help? I would want so much to help the people that feel as though they don't have any more options. The person that's up against the wall, the person that that doesn't know what to do next, that's in a place I found myself many times in my own life. And so that's the kind of person that I would identify with and want to help. I'd want to... how can we help you do better for and with yourself using video as a component to help you see yourself in a more positive light. That's beautiful. That's great stuff.