Get Started

We create media to showcase your success.

Our team of video producers help businesses showcase your success. Fill out the form below to get started. See our prices, general services, and package options here.

Free quote. No obligation. Get started today.

Questions For You

Your Project
  • Requested recording date (optional)
  • Deadline for finished video (optional)
  • Number of videos (estimate if not sure)
  • Length in minutes for each video (estimate if not sure)
  • Number of people you would like interviewed? (estimate if not sure)
  • Styles of video you prefer? (describe / include YouTube examples)
  • Existing media content or footage to include? (include YouTube or other links)
Your Story

(we usually recommend "Start With Story" because people relate to people)

  • What is the story you want to tell?
  • Who is protagonist or main characters?
  • What is your hook, setup, and backstory?
  • What is the journey?
  • What is the climax or biggest challenge?
  • What is resolution?
  • What’s next?
Your Ideal Audience
  • Description of your ideal audience? (use a persona if possible)
  • Age range of your ideal audience?
  • Income range or net worth of your ideal audience?
  • Neighborhood or geographic area of your ideal audience?
Your Business
  • What are challenges, frustrations, or concerns growing your business?
  • What's one wish you would make to grow your business?
Your Goals
  • You need to get your primary audience who is / are...
  • ...who currently think / feel / do this...
  • think / feel / do this...
  • showing them this...
Your Success
  • How will you measure success of this video?
  • Your SMART goals for this video...
    • What Specific area of improvement are you targeting?
    • What Measurable metrics will indicate success?
    • What Assignable personnel who will do it?
    • What Realistic results are you expecting within constraints?
    • What Time-Related results do you need to see?
Your Customer Journey
  • Where does this video fit into your customer journey?
  • What else do you need to create or update to directly support this video (website, etc)?
Additional Comments
  • Anything else you'd like to add for us?

Contact form